The application for this training is now closed. Please direct all training questions to Mary Roberts at [email protected].
The training, Writing Stories for Change, will be led by Dr. Jill Patterson, a national expert in narrative defense and an English Professor at Texas Tech University. Through a series of small practice-based workshops, defenders will understand the fundamentals of narrative development to compose persuasive briefs, mitigation submissions, and other types of written work products for more effective advocacy.
Presenter: Dr. Jill Patterson
The 2023 Baltimore Mitigation Skill-Building Training will be held on October 11 – 13 at the Central Location of the Enoch Pratt Library. Led by Dr. Jill Patterson, an expert in narrative defense and fiction writing, this training will guide practitioners through a series of intensive small-group workshops, providing the tools to compose narratives that are both compelling and evidence-based. At the conclusion, attendees will have developed tools and resources to convey a client’s life story more effectively to various decision-makers. This year’s training agenda will be available soon. See the 2022 agenda here.
There is no cost to attend the training, however, participants will be responsible for lodging, travel, meals, and other expenses related to attending this training.
Capacity is limited to 40 participants due to the intensive nature of this skills-based training. Interested participants will need to complete an application to be considered for attendance. Applications will be prioritized based on previous need (access to high-quality training), the scope of mitigation work/practice, and our commitment to diversify the field in all areas. All 2022 attendees will be waitlisted to allow space for new practitioners.
To be considered, applicants must be …
CLE Credits
ARC, Inc. will pursue CLE accreditation for this training. We ask that applicants indicate their intention to apply for CLE credits on the form below.
Our team will follow up with applicants as needed. Please contact Mary Roberts at [email protected] if you have questions.
The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), the Arizona Capital Representation Project (ACRP), and Advancing Real Change (ARC), Inc.,…
Various faculty
ARC, Inc. provides this and other trainings at no cost to current and prospective defense practitioners. We do this to…