Join ARC, Inc. in Lubbock, Texas for our skill-building training led by Dr. Jill Patterson, a national expert in narrative defense and an English Professor at Texas Tech University. Through a series of plenaries and small practice-based workshops, defenders will understand the fundamentals of narrative development to compose written advocacy that is accurate, humane, and persuasive.
Please Note: Spaces are filling up quickly. Those who apply after 7/16 will be placed on our waiting list.
Advancing Real Change, Inc. is now accepting applications for the 2024 Skill-Building Training. This in-person training will be held October 2 – 4 at Texas Tech University in Lubbock, Texas.
This training is intended for mitigation specialists, attorneys, and other current or prospective defense practitioners. Dr. Jill Patterson, a national expert in narrative defense and an English Professor at Texas Tech University, will lead the training. Through a series of small practice-based workshops, defenders will understand the fundamentals of narrative development to compose persuasive briefs, mitigation submissions, and other types of written work products for more effective advocacy. See the agenda here.
There is no cost for the training; however, attendees will be responsible for lodging, travel, meals, and other expenses related to participating.
Please Note: Spaces are filling up quickly. Those who apply after 7/16 will be placed on our waiting list.
Applicants must be …
The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), the Arizona Capital Representation Project (ACRP), and Advancing Real Change (ARC), Inc.,…