Hosted by the National Defender Investigator Association August 15th, 3 - 4:15 p.m. EST
Rachael Schaefer, Assistant Federal Public Defender, CHU, Federal Public Defender NDTX (TX) |
Forensics comparisons and reports have evolved to form the cornerstone of the state’s case against our clients. Although developments such as the National Academy of Sciences and the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology reports promised to shake the foundations of these “sciences,” courts and jurors alike have continued to place stock in forensics and been skeptical of its condemnation. This session will look at where forensics is at its weakest and how to collect materials and conduct investigation to show that the prosecution’s “evidence” rests on shaky footing.
To join the webinar, click here.
This webinar will be a comprehensive presentation to understand the intricacies of conducting international investigations. Register using the link below.
Bridget Prince and Alicia Amezcua-Rodriguez