The mission of Advancing Real Change, Inc. is to create a more just world by advancing empathy, dignity, and equity within and beyond the criminal legal system. Your support makes our work possible.
Donate NowOur criminal legal system too often reduces individuals accused of crimes to their worst actions. Their redeeming qualities, the community that loves them, and the experiences that brought them into contact with the legal system are ignored, frequently resulting in extreme and inhumane sentences. Advancing Real Change, Inc., works towards a more just and humane criminal legal system by unearthing the life histories of people facing extreme sentences so that true, accurate, and detailed information about their lives can be shared with the judges, juries, and prosecutors who decide their fates.
Advancing Real Change, Inc., is transforming the lives of individuals and making a long-term impact on the criminal legal system.
of our clients receive shorter and more humane sentences
criminal defense team members have accessed our training and resources
of our cases have been in high-needs jurisdictions in the past 5 years
Join Advancing Real Change, Inc. as we host quarterly collaborative one-hour Zoom calls for mitigation specialists around the world on…
Dr. Elizabeth Vartkessian and Maitreyi Misra
Ask a Mitigation Specialist, a resource program that allows defenders to meet directly and privately with a mitigation specialist for…
Indrani Belaratnam & Beth Cahill
Ask a Mitigation Specialist, a resource program that allows defenders to meet directly and privately with a mitigation specialist for…
Heather Barrow & Michelle Gaudet
It is only with a true understanding of the individuals accused of crimes that judges, juries, prosecutors, and other decision-makers…
Ask about our mitigation services, training and education offerings, consulting, or any question about our work and we’ll be in touch with you soon.
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Your support allows us to serve our clients, provide free training and education to defense teams across the country, and offer online resources.
Advancing Real Change, Inc., depends on our community to effect change. Sign up to volunteer, become a pen pal, and more.