REGISGRATION FOR THIS WEBINAR IS NOW CLOSED. Please contact Mary Roberts at [email protected].
This webinar will cover best practices for conducting internet searches in mitigation investigation including how to locate witnesses, creating search documentation, creating search profiles, and more.
April Mecham
Presenter's Bio
April Mecham joined Arizona Investigative Associates in 2010. During her 13-year career with AIA, she has managed hundreds of state and federal criminal defense matters. In addition, she has worked alongside mitigation specialists on dozens of capital cases over the years and conducted extensive genealogy research and witness location research to complement the mitigation investigation. April prides herself in maintaining the highest standard of care and thoroughness in her work, especially when capital punishment is on the line. She is a trained veteran conducting in-person interviews after extensive location and witness context preparation. April is a board-certified Certified Criminal Defense Investigator and Certified Forensic Interviewer, earning both from the Criminal Defense Investigator Training Counsel in Florida. Currently, she is working toward becoming a certified genealogist.
This webinar will share how upholding the ABA Guidelines, the CFSY Guidelines, and caselaw that guides mitigation is more important…
Dr. Elizabeth Vartkessian